Jacket with bulletproof protection

Bulletproof protection has evolved considerably over the decades, from simple vests to jackets with bulletproof protection.

Introduction to bulletproof vests

Bulletproof protection has evolved considerably over the decades, from simple vests to jackets with bulletproof protection.

This equipment has become an essential part of security for police forces, soldiers and now civilians.

In this article, we will explore various aspects of ballistic protection, with an emphasis on the bulletproof vest, the hard armor plate, the soft armor insert, and the importance of quality in ballistic safety equipment.

Because it is not only the police or the military who need to protect themselves from bullets or blades; every citizen also needs it, and even more so in the fractured and violent society in which we now live.

The jacket with bulletproof protection: the principle

The jacket with soft bulletproof protection is a vital piece of equipment for civilians, diplomats but less so for law enforcement - including the police and the gendarmerie - and the military who generally use the standard Kevlar bulletproof vest.

It offers quality protection against bullets of various calibers, including those from handguns like the 44 magnum. Level IIIA ballistic protection, an industry standard, ensures safety against high speed bullets, without sacrificing mobility.

The limitations of bulletproof vests

A standard bulletproof vest is an indispensable protective accessory for security professionals. On the other hand, it quickly becomes restrictive for a civilian who wants to wear one. The reasons are as follows:

Difference between a vest and a bulletproof vest

How to transform a bulletproof vest into a practical and pleasant object to wear every day? How do you make it a classic or standard piece of clothing? You must start by simplifying the wearing of this accessory by allowing the user to wear or remove it easily.

For this, it is essential to be able to open it like a standard jacket, i.e. from the front. This criterion is fundamental and at the same time one must maintain the same level of Kevlar level iiia ballistic safety and certification on the abdomen and chest as a standard bulletproof vest that passes through the head.

The jacket must combine complete protection with ballistic support and great practicality.

To solve this first criterion, the solution involves the over overlap of the plates on the front of the jacket.

To achieve this, you need a soft and flexible armour insert and a good workmanship to make this jacket a comfortable and high quality Level IIIA plate holder.

Level IIIA bulletproof vest

To be sold to civilians, you cannot use ballistics higher than level iiia and iiia+.

This level of bulletproof protection protects handguns such as the 44 magnum, the 9mm, the 357 SIG, and the 7.62 Tokarev + 12 mm for level 3A+. This is the level and quality of protection used daily by the French or American police for example.

Ballistics must be soft or have a flexible armour insert and have a reasonable weight so as not to hinder the mobility of its user, while protecting vital organs at 360 degrees: face, back and flanks.

To be internationally certified, the jacket's plate holder must respect heights, surfaces, overlaps and shapes so that vital organs such as the chest, abdomen and back are fully protected from handguns.

The jacket then becomes a plate holder with the same level of protection as a standard bulletproof vest worn by the police for example.

The pleasure of wearing a bulletproof vest

Wearing a bulletproof vest is so uncomfortable and restrictive that the benefit of wearing a vest offers both pleasure and a sense of security.

The aim is to transform the negative experience of wearing a bulletproof vest into a positive and easy one.

The search for the overall balance of the garment is a priority objective because rigid ballistic plates are intruders in a jacket. She must not lean forward, backward or to the side.

With FURTIV for example, this long development process was rewarded by the success of our jackets among our users and praised at the Milipol, Shot Show in Las Vegas and Platinium in Monaco fairs.

We have succeeded in turning the unpleasant experience of wearing bulletproof into an unforgettable experience that can be repeated over and over again.

Soft bulletproof protection technology

Ballistic protection is based on two main technologies: the flexible armour insert and the rigid armour plates.

Soft inserts, often made of Kevlar, offer flexible and lightweight protection. They are ideal for a vest for police intervention units or discreet civilian jackets like FURTIV for example.

It can also be integrated into a suit jacket. The fact that the Kevlar material is soft with limited weight makes wearing bulletproof protection more pleasant and comfortable.

Hard armor plates, on the other hand, are designed to stop larger caliber bullets such as weapons of war. They are mainly used in a tactical vest and are level 4, so inaccessible to civilians.

A vest equipped with this type of bulletproof armour - often ceramic - is exclusively intended for professionals exposed to very heavy weapons.

Full protection with hard plate holder

For a very high level of comprehensive protection, a vest with rigid armour plate support is essential.

This vest can accommodate additional ceramic plates for reinforced protection, especially against assault rifles.

Modularity is also an important factor, with systems like MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) allowing pockets and other equipment to be added.

But this level of bulletproof protection is not compatible with a standard jacket.

The versatility of the protective vest

Versatility is a key aspect of modern bulletproof vests. The same goes for a bulletproof jacket.

A jacket with bulletproof protection can be designed to be worn over clothing, offering flexibility and great freedom depending on the situation.

But most importantly, as it is thought of as a standard jacket, it can be attributed all the features of civilian jackets. Pockets, facilities, double-slider zips, watertightness and aesthetics that a bulletproof vest does not have.

Quality and protection standards

Quality is paramount when it comes to ballistic protection.

The materials used, such as Kevlar, must meet high standards to ensure safety. Ballistic standards, such as Level IIIA, provide a framework for evaluating the ability of a vest to withstand various types of bullets.

The Importance of Weight in Bulletproof Vests

Weight is a crucial factor in the design of jackets with bulletproof protection.

Equipment that is too heavy can limit mobility. While this is particularly critical for the police and armed forces in action, it is also critical for civilians. So manufacturers are working to reduce weight while maintaining a high level of protection. To date, the use of Kevlar is the best solution.

Advances in bulletproof materials

Advances in ballistic protection materials like Kevlar have led to vests that are lighter, softer, and more comfortable.

Innovations, such as the use of advanced composite materials, have reduced weight while maintaining robust bullet protection.

Civilian ballistic protective jackets

Although mainly used by law enforcement and the army, jackets with bulletproof protection also find their place in the civilian sector.

Security professionals, journalists in conflict zones, and even some civilians in high-risk areas are now equipping themselves with ballistic vests for personal protection.


The bulletproof vest is more than just equipment; it represents a fusion between advanced technology and the need for safety in an ever-changing world.

Whether for law enforcement, the military, or civilians, bulletproof protection plays a crucial role in saving lives.

With the continuous advances in materials and protective technologies that Kevlar remains the showcase of, these jackets will continue to evolve, offering ever more effective protection while improving the comfort and mobility of those who wear them.

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FURTIV is a high-end collection of level 3A and 3A+ bulletproof jackets. These revolutionary jackets combine safety, elegance, practicality and comfort.

Since 2015, this collection has remained the only answer for those who want to protect themselves from handguns or blades without the constraints, weight and volume of a conventional bulletproof vest.

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A man wearing a slim, sleeveless vest.
A man wearing a classic, long sleeves vest.
A man wearing a buttoned up, sleeveless vest.
A man wearing a modern parka.