FURTIV, a public utility asset!

FURTIV is the safest jacket in the world. Some consider it to be a public utility because it is one of the few alternatives to protect themselves from aggression.

Observation: An increasingly violent society

In France, the question of delinquency and the role of the State in preventing and suppressing it is a subject of paramount importance and an increasingly pressing public concern.

In recent decades, the increase in increasingly younger and more violent crime in France is worrying and the inability of various governments to protect their own citizens raises questions.

If the State can no longer or no longer knows how to protect its citizens as it demonstrates every day, they have only 2 options left: either leave the country or learn to defend themselves, within the framework of the law of course.

For those who want to learn to defend themselves, the first of the missions is already to equip themselves well. This is where FURTIV becomes obvious.

The FURTIV bulletproof jacket, a public utility asset!

FURTIV is the safest jacket in the world. Equipped with level 3A or 3A+ bulletproof protection, its role is to protect you but its mission goes far beyond that.

FURTIV, an easy to wear jacket

If the first advantage of FURTIV is to protect you, this jacket is also a piece of clothing that can be worn every day.

First of all, thanks to its design. Its elegance, its discretion and its lines make it (almost) a normal piece of clothing. The teams at Inventive Citi and now those at VEST PARIS have created a collection with simple and effective lines to be worn in all circumstances. Going to work, going out, traveling, FURTIV is designed to adapt to all these situations.

FURTIV is also a “practical” jacket because you wear it like a regular jacket. It eliminates all the constraints of wearing a bulletproof vest. It is easier to wear, it is more discreet, it is lighter, it is not bulky, it is not bulky and FURTIV is above all very comfortable for a bulletproof.

Another advantage is that it passes through airport gates.

FURTIV, the safest urban jacket in the world

The inability of the State to curb increasing crime over the past several decades has raised increasing concerns among citizens. Knife attacks are increasing and we have no recourse to defend ourselves. Nobody is protecting us.

FURTIV bulletproof jackets have been taking on this defensive role since 2015. No other jacket in the world will protect you more than the FURTIV jacket. Why? Because this concept is unique and we are the only ones who have perceived the growing need for security.

The FURTIV bulletproof collection, hyperdiscretion

Since 2015, we have equipped hundreds of people around the world on 5 continents. One word summarizes the link that connects us to our customers: discretion.

These people all have the same profile: they are discreet, almost anonymous. What they like about the FURTIV jacket is precisely its discretion, its aesthetic simplicity and especially the completely “invisible” side of the bulletproof protection.

So invisible that the FURTIV jacket surprises and saves lives.

Why FURTIV, the must-have jacket

Faced with the rapid increase in delinquency, the bankruptcy of the State must find ways to go. FURTIV is one of them.

The challenges for the state are enormous: not only must it contain the growth of crime, but also restore the trust and security of citizens. This requires a holistic approach, involving political reforms, more targeted preventive measures, increased collaboration between law enforcement agencies, and a more responsive justice system.

Unfortunately, over the past 40 years, investments in prevention programs, the rehabilitation of disadvantaged neighborhoods, as well as policies aimed at strengthening the link between the police and the community to reverse this trend have repeatedly failed.

Impossibility of implementing profound reforms

Containing the growth of delinquency in France requires a multidimensional approach and comprehensive reforms affecting different aspects of society and the justice system.

Unfortunately, to do this is to attack ideological bastions and to discuss topics that are so taboo that no debate can take place without exacerbating one or the other's positions. Sterile and blocking debates.

This omerta in a country where the word Freedom now rhymes with Disorder, Laxity and Cowardice, makes these reforms impossible and gives full meaning to equipment like FURTIV, which seems more like a preventive gesture that will help save lives.


It is a proven fact to say that the FURTIV collection can now be classified as a public utility asset.

How can we better prevent aggression, how can we better protect ourselves from delinquency that has become a persistent challenge for the French State? A failed state, unable to protect its people and those who come to visit it.

FURTIV is therefore a life-saving alternative that is less expensive than life insurance.

Despite the efforts that the authorities claim to be making, the staggering growth in crime raises questions about the effectiveness of public policies and the judicial system.

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FURTIV is a high-end collection of level 3A and 3A+ bulletproof jackets. These revolutionary jackets combine safety, elegance, practicality and comfort.

Since 2015, this collection has remained the only answer for those who want to protect themselves from handguns or blades without the constraints, weight and volume of a conventional bulletproof vest.

Discover our range
A man wearing a slim, sleeveless vest.
A man wearing a classic, long sleeves vest.
A man wearing a buttoned up, sleeveless vest.
A man wearing a modern parka.