Differences between Bladeproof and Bulletproof

The question that comes up most often is: does a bulletproof vest protect against knife attacks?

We are often asked about the difference between a bulletproof vest and a blade or knife proof vest. The question that comes up most often is: does a bulletproof vest protect against knife attacks?

In particular, we will see that ballistic protection (often composed of Kevlar) integrated into a vest does not use the same technology as armour vests.

Bullets are not blades! This seems simplistic at first glance, but it required years of research by those who work on the entire range of ballistic shields.

We are going to study the differences between a bulletproof vest and a bulletproof vest.

What is a blade vest?

The blade vest, as the name suggests, focuses on protection and safety against blades, knives and not bullets.

This vest generally uses reinforced materials and specific technologies to prevent blades from penetrating through the vest. These vests are often used in contexts where the threat of stab wounds is more worrisome.

Blade protector vest: what technology is used?

Here are some of the technologies that are commonly used in these vests:

Blade armor often uses special reinforced fabrics, sometimes composed of aramid fibers similar to those used in bulletproof vests. These fabrics are designed to be difficult to cut or pierce and are not designed to stop bullets.

Some blade jackets incorporate multiple layers of tough materials to increase the vest's ability to stop blades. These layers work synergistically to dissipate the energy of the attack.

Some blade jackets are equipped with specific anti-cut technologies, which may include layers of polymers or metals designed to resist cuts. These materials are often placed strategically in the vest.

Some blade vest models may include additional plates, similar to those used in bulletproof vests, but designed to provide increased blade protection.

Blade jackets can use advanced composite materials that combine different substances to achieve high levels of blade resistance while maintaining flexibility.

These technologies aim to minimize the risk of cuts or punctures by providing a robust physical barrier against knife and blade attacks. It's important to note that while these vests may offer blade protection, no protection is absolute, and the precise design may vary by manufacturer and model.

What is the standard for a windshield vest?

Flared jackets are not subject to specific standards like bulletproof vests that follow ballistic standards like the NIJ (National Institute of Justice) standard in the United States. However, there are European standards that can be applied to cut protective clothing, including blade jackets.

The relevant European standard for cut protection clothing is EN 388. This standard specifies performance requirements for protective gloves against mechanical hazards, including cut resistance. It rates cut resistance on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 means no resistance and 5 means maximum resistance.

When looking for a blade vest, it may be useful to check if it complies with EN 388 to assess its cut resistance. However, note that this standard is more general and is not specifically designed for blade jackets. It is always recommended that you follow the manufacturer's recommendations and ensure that the product meets your specific blade protection needs.

Bulletproof vest: what technology is used?

Among the technologies used in a bulletproof, we can mention Kevlar fibers, an extremely resistant synthetic material. Kevlar fibers are woven together to form a solid structure that can stop and disperse the kinetic energy of a ball. It is the most used material regardless of the range of vests.

In addition to the Kevlar vest, the ceramic plates integrated into vest covers are another technology commonly used in bulletproof systems. This other ballistic protection meets the NIJ standards that define the level of safety and the level of range of vests. These bulletproof plates are composed of hard and tough ceramics, such as aluminum oxide or silicon carbide, which can withstand the impact of a bullet by fragmenting it into several pieces.

Bulletproof vests can also use soft materials, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is capable of absorbing the kinetic energy of bullets by deforming them and distributing the force over a larger area.

Depending on their required level of protection, bulletproof devices (Kevlar and discreet wear in particular) can combine these different technologies to offer maximum protection against bullets.

Does a bulletproof protect you from blades and knives?

This question raises a lot of questions and requires in-depth analysis because a bullet is not a blade. It seems basic to say it but many think that a bulletproof necessarily protects you from knives. This is what a vest manufacturer will explain to you.

First of all, it is important to note that bulletproof vests, often made of Kevlar, protect against firearm projectiles such as bullets. However, they are not specifically designed to withstand attacks with blades or knives.

Blades have a different penetrating force than gun projectiles, and bulletproof vests cannot prevent a sharp blade from passing through the surface. They may possibly slow penetration, but do not guarantee total protection. On the other hand, they protect against cuts.

Thus, although a Kevlar bulletproof vest may offer some protection against attacks with sharp and armor-piercing weapons due to the strength of their materials, it does not guarantee absolute security against these types of attacks.

In situations where you are subject to knife attacks, it is therefore essential to wear specific equipment (such as FURTIV level III) and then to complete this protection by using adapted equipment, such as reinforced gloves, elbow protectors that can minimize the risks associated with the use of sharp weapons.

Above all, vigilance and adequate training are also essential to reduce the risks during a confrontation with blades or knives.

Difference in flexibility between these 2 protections?

In general, a bulletproof vest is generally more flexible than a blade vest. The main reason lies in the difference in protection technology between the two.

A blade vest is specifically designed to protect against stabs and other sharp objects. These vests use reinforced materials, often special fiber layers, to resist punctures caused by blades.

Because of these differences in design, ballistic plates - except ceramic - are generally softer and more flexible, allowing for greater mobility.

Bulletproof vests also exist!

Like FURTIV, there are hybrid bulletproof vests that combine ballistic materials with additional layers to provide some protection against blades. Stiffer, these hybrid vests aim to offer increased versatility, but their effectiveness against blades may vary depending on the specific design of the vest.

If blade protection is a major concern, it is recommended to opt for a blade vest specially designed for this function. That said, protections III that comply with NIJ standards, such as the one used in the FURTIV jacket, is a ballistic protection that is perfectly suited to this type of attack. These plates stop large caliber bullets and protect against punctures.

Can a civilian wear a fireproof vest?

This question is subject to debate, because according to the legislation in force in France, the purchase and possession of lifejackets is reserved for law enforcement and security professionals.

However, it is important to note that there are blade jackets specially designed for civilian use, such as the range of ballistic protective vests aimed at citizens who want more safety or who work in high-risk professions, such as journalists.

In some cases, prior authorization from the authorities may be required to obtain such protective equipment. As citizens look for ways to increase their personal safety, complying with existing laws and complying with established rules for the acquisition and use of lifejackets is essential.

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FURTIV is a high-end collection of level 3A and 3A+ bulletproof jackets. These revolutionary jackets combine safety, elegance, practicality and comfort.

Since 2015, this collection has remained the only answer for those who want to protect themselves from handguns or blades without the constraints, weight and volume of a conventional bulletproof vest.

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A man wearing a classic, long sleeves vest.
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A man wearing a modern parka.